Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind. -Seneca


Finding out that I have been accepted to volunteer in Swaziland in May made my heart smile so much it almost exploded!


I opened my email today and received a nice surprise email from a friend from my summer job after he heard that I was accepted for Swaziland:

Good for you Michelle you will be very good at what ever you do there. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity enjoy it and have a great time but remember to get all your school work done

It made my heart smile to not only receive the email, but also to read the ending about my school work.

Friday, September 24, 2010

To poke a wood fire is more solid enjoyment than almost anything else in the world. - Charles Dudley Warner

A couple of days ago I was having problems with my wireless connection. I know that it sometimes help if you disconnect and then reconnect your computer. Well, apparently I didn't disconnect, but disabled. I hadn't realized that that's what I did, but did know that my wireless was no longer working. So today I made the trip up to the computer store and had a technician look at. When he told me he knew what was wrong and that it would take three seconds to fix it, my heart smiled!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Indeed, man wishes to be happy even when he so lives as to make happiness impossible. -St. Augustine


My friend is going to France for eight months, and it was beginning to look like I wouldn't get to see her again before she leaves. However, yesterday after work I got a text message from her saying that she would be around. Luckily, we got together, and my heart smiled while I was enjoying a great lunch with her.

Also, my heart smiled when I successfully taught two two year olds how to hold a football, throw it straight down, and yell "TOUCH DOWN!", which they do so well now.


It was the first tutorial for one of my classes. Because part of our grade is based on participation, the TA wanted to learn our names, so he had us go around the room and say something interesting about ourselves. Well, when it got to me, I couldn't think of anything interesting, so I said that I have two cats named Forest and Gump. It made my heart smile when the rest of the room laughed.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Start every day with a smile and get it over with. - W.C. Fields

I'm going to keep it nice and short. I didn't get as much time as I would've liked, but my heart smiled today when I got to see someone that I think I really like.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Happiness is never stopping to think if you are. - Palmer Sondreal

It's been a busy little while with work and school starting back up, so I haven't really thought too much about the blog. However, my heart smiled several times today, so I feel the need to post about them!

I work part time as a teacher's assistant at a child care centre during the school year. It's a fun job, but can be very challenging. Today, as I was leaving, one of the toddlers continued to yell "Bye" to me, even after I had turned the corner and was out of his site. It made my heart smile hearing his shouts at me as I left.

One of my classes is in a terrible room. It's too small for all of us to fit, the chairs are uncomfortable, and it's incredibly hot. The professor recognizes this, and is working on finding us another room. However, since we're still in the same room and the weather was rather amazing today, he decided to take us outside. The topic of the course (genocide) is certainly not a positive topic, but my heart smiled while I was sitting underneath a tree and listening to my professor talk.

I'm taking a younger year course because I really like the professor who is teaching it. Today was the first day of that class, and as I walked into the room, the professor gave me a huge smile and very obviously recognized me. We talked for a bit before class started, and she said that she was very glad she had me again and that I chose to take her course. My heart was smiling when I heard her say this, especially since I have a huge amount of respect for her (and had that respect for her before she said that).

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections. - Unknown


The tough part about summer vacations is being away from your friends. It's even tougher when your friends start to leave school, and even the country. However, yesterday I spent the day with a good friend who I haven't seen since June and who will soon be leaving from France. It certainly made my heart smile to see her again (and to drink an amazing Frozen Hot Chocolate with her!)


I'm having a bit of an "off day." We all have them every once and while, and I think the most important part is to just not let it define us or to get stuck in them. So, with that being said, it made my heart smile lying in bed reading all day knowing that I could spend my "off day" being lazy.