Thursday, April 19, 2012

The foolish man seeks happiness in the distance; the wise grows it under his feet. - James Openheim

I'm not a gardener.  In fact, the full extent of my gardening experience is planting seeds in a Styrofoam cup in kindergarten.  So, for whatever reason, I got this idea in my head to grow a vegetable garden this year.  Of course, I can't just take a garden that is already being used, so my vegetables will be growing at the side of the house in the patch of earth that was being used as a tossing ground for old planters.  Which means that I had to prep my garden.  Which I thought meant getting on my hands and knees and doing a whole lot of pulling stuff up and getting sweaty and who knows what else.

So, my smiling heart moment was when I asked my sister to help me (expecting the huge task of using my hands to pull lord knows what up and out and all other crazy images I had), and she showed me how simple prepping my garden would really be!  We just pulled out the stuff that needs to go to the landfill, and used a rake to pull out the old leaves and twigs and move the soil around.  Hopefully I'll get some top soil to put down this weekend, and will be planting my veggies in no time!

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