Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open. - John Barrymore

I don't have a lot of patience.  If something looks like it's going to take a really long time, I have to do it in stages.  So while it might take a month to finish, it ends up taking me years to finish.  Case in point, the blanket I've been crocheting for about two years now.  It's been a bit of a pain.  I made some mistakes that are rather obvious, the reason why I started it no longer existed, it's hot to make (the blanket has to lie on top of you while you're crocheting it, making it really uncomfortable to do in warm weather), and it just takes a lot of time and patience.

But, my heart smiled when I finished it twenty minutes ago!  And it's just in time for the cold weather.  Also, Forest loves it, which is probably the most important thing.

This is the blanket all nicely finished!  It's the perfect length for cuddling up into.

This is me pushing Gump off of my blanket because he started to try and dig it up (it's how he makes himself comfortable, but I don't want him to rip up the blanket the first day I finished it).

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