Monday, June 18, 2012

Start every day with a smile and get it over with. - W.C. Fields

I got home late last night, so I wasn't able to post for yesterday even though I really wanted to.

Last night I went to Toronto to see the Toronto Symphony Orchestra's free concert where they performed Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.  1812 Overture is the first classical piece of music I really got into back in grade nine music class.  I was quite obsessed with it, to be frankly honest, especially of a recording that I have with actual canons.  While the TSO didn't have actual canons, they did have fireworks instead.  It really made my heart smile to be able to see this song finally done in person (and they did a really awesome job!)

For anyone interested, here is a recording of 1812 Overture.  You should really listen to the whole thing for the full impact, but for those that have little patience, the canons come after 12:20 when Russia is officially kicking Napolean's ass and continues intermittently from then till the end.

As for today, I woke up exhausted and hot.  I hate humidity.  I figured whatever, put a smile one and get it over with (hence why I picked that quote for today).  I got to work, was almost done my shift (the end was in sight!) and was asked to work for four more hours.  It was one of those situations where I really didn't want to say yes, but the logical part of me knew that I need the money.  So I said yes.  And you know what made it all worth it?  A father and daughter.  Cutest little couple ever, she was six years old, incredibly shy, and her dad was so intent on buying her some dresses and skirts.  Working in retail, sometimes you can see the real ugly in people.  People who are rude, disrespectful, and just all around unpleasant.  So it's always a breath of fresh air to have people who are the exact opposite of that in the store.  Watching the two of them interact brought a smile to my heart.  

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