Saturday, July 16, 2011

The pursuit of happiness is a most ridiculous phrase:  if you pursue happiness you'll never find it. - C.P. Snow

Yesterday was my birthday.  And everyone who knows me should know my birthday weekend rules.  For those who don't know them, the rules are as follows:

If your birthday falls on Monday or Tuesday, you have the weekend prior to your weekend for your birthday.  If your birthday is on Thursday or Friday, you have the weekend that follows your birthday.  If your birthday falls on the Wednesday, then you've hit the jackpot and get both weekends.

This year, my birthday fell on the Friday (and yes, I know that next year it'll be on the Saturday, so I get even less birthday days, but the rules are the rules, and it's worth waiting till it falls on Wednesday again), which means that this is my birthday weekend.  And I'm sure anyone who knows me and is reading this, knows how much I love birthdays.  Anyone's birthday.  For that reason, just because it's my birthday (weekend), my heart is smiling.  It really is that easy.

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