Friday, October 12, 2012

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. - Robert Brault

For the last couple of weeks, it seems as though the only times I leave the house is when I absolutely have to.  I have to go to school, go to work, or got to family's for dinner.  It's not just been about going out just because.  And that gets kind of exhausting.  In fact, I've started to just not want to go out, and instead staying in when I don't have to be somewhere.  Which is good, but also not really all that good because I then start to only do school work when I'm home, so that eventually it feels like every waking minute is consumed by school and work.

Which is why today was so nice.  After school and work, I went out with Chris for dinner and a movie.  It was nice for that little bit to be out in the world and not doing something that needed to be done.  There was no task involved.  Also, the movie was rather entertaining and enjoyable.

So the smiling heart moment for the day was being able to do something that I didn't have to do, and enjoying it.  It was small and simple, but it gave me a much needed break.

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