Saturday, August 27, 2011

The best things in life are unexpected - because there were no expectations. - Eli Khamarov, Surviving on Planet Reebok

I love buying gifts.  Christmas is my all time favourite holiday because I love buying gifts for everyone.  I just love thinking about what will make people happy and excited.  What just screams, "I need to buy this for [insert name]," but that they probably wouldn't buy for themselves?  I just love it!

So today was my cousin's daughter's first birthday, and for years, even before she was born, we knew what we would give this cousin's daughter one day for her birthday.  When I was born, my cousin's mother gave me a doll cradle that was made for my cousin by her grandfather.  By the time I had entered the picture, my cousin was no longer playing with dolls, so it was handed down to me, and then my sister.  Even after my sister stopped playing with dolls, we had to keep this cradle just in case, one day, my cousin had a baby girl.

To be able to finally wrap the cradle (more like put it in a huge bag), give it to her, and see her reaction... priceless.  My heart smiled when I realized just how much this gift meant.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Unhappiness is best defined as the difference between our talents and our expectations. - Edward de Bono, Observer, 12 June 1977

I had a really stressful day yesterday and just felt all tense all day.  When bedtime finally rolled around, I was carrying Forest to bed when she started growling at me.  Forest growling at me is nothing new, and is in fact a bit of a family joke.  But what I really love is when Forest makes this noise that I can't really describe, but I do like to mimic.  The best example I can come up with is this (it's not the best quality youtube video, but it's the best I could find to show this):

Anyway, when Forest started growling, I started making that noise, and then Forest looked at me, stopped growling, and returned the noise right back at me.  It made my heart smile to have Forest respond to my "Ffft Ffft Ffft-ing."  (She's now sitting on my lap purring, but she wasn't too happy when I played the clip from Aristocats).

Friday, August 19, 2011

Keep a green tree in your heart and perhaps a singing bird will come. - Chinese Proverb

I've been having a rough couple of days.  I've just been going through the blahs, and it's really starting to get frustrating.  I've been doing everything I can to not let them get me down, but it's still not really all that fun.  But just a couple minutes ago I came across a moment that really reminded me about why I started this blog to begin with.  Sometimes we have bad days, but that doesn't mean those days completely lack small, little moments, that bring a smile to our heart.  It doesn't necessarily make the bad day turn into a good day, but we should still recognize those moments.

A little bit of background on why this moment made my heart smile.  I have two cats, Forest and Gump.  Forest hates Gump, and Gump is always annoying/play attacking Forest.  So our family lacks cute pictures of the two cats cuddling together like you see in calendars and those animal emails.  On top of that, Gump seems to hate my new room lay out since I moved my furniture from school back home.  He used to always sleep on my bedroom floor, but now he doesn't.  In fact, the only proof I have of him sleeping in my room is a picture that my sister took with her phone when I was in Swaziland.  Because apparently my room is ok for him when I'm not on the same continent as him.

So, with all of that in mind, my heart smiled when I ran into my room to quickly grab something and saw this:

As soon as I saw this, I quickly ran downstairs to grab my camera which incidentally was already in my bedroom.  So I ran back upstairs, found it, took this picture, and then lay down on the far side of my bed with my head closest to Forest (because Gump doesn't always like being touched, so I decided to not push my luck and cuddled with Forest) and rested for about five minutes before Gump got up and left us.  And my heart was smiling the whole time.

Friday, August 12, 2011

If you want to be happy, be. - Leo Tolstoy

I meant to update yesterday, but was way too full to do anything.  Which is what I want to write about.  My heart smiled while eating the most amazing Indian food I have ever eaten at Bombay Palace.  I didn't eat anything off the buffet that I didn't love!

Today while I was working out, I got onto one of the weight machines that I've used several times before.  After only a couple reps, it seemed incredibly harder than usual, and I was beginning to get a little down thinking that I had somehow lost strength between the past two days.  After I finished my three sets, I wrote down the weight that I was using... and realized that the weight was ten pounds more than I'm used to.  Suffice to say, my heart smiled to realize that I wasn't getting weaker!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles. - Washington Irving

It was pouring rain today!  I couldn't believe it.  It's so strange to go from so many dry days, to that much rain.  Our pool almost overfilled due to it all.  During part of the real downpour, I was walking to meet a friend for some delicious Jamaican jerk chicken.  As I was crossing the parking lot to get to where I needed to be, a guy pulled up beside me and asked if I was walking far in the rain.  I told him I wasn't, and pointed to where I was heading (a ten second walk, easily), when he said, "Good.  If you were going much further, I'd offer you a lift.  I'd hate to be out walking in that!"  Now obviously this could've been a creepy guy looking to pick up some unsuspecting and naive girl before he raped and killed her ala Criminal Minds style, but my heart smiled to think that maybe this guy really was a genuine guy who just wanted help someone out in the rain.  We need decent folks like that, and I'd like to think he's one of them!

(The amazing jerk chicken ((for only $2.75!)) and the great company I had while eating the chicken also made my heart smile, but doesn't make as great of a story)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Expect nothing.  Live frugally on surprise. - Alice Walker

I am horrible at keeping up with these things!  I apologize and will try harder, but I'm not making any promises.

Today my heart smiled twice.  Earlier today I received an unexpected text message from someone that I really wasn't expecting to get one from.  It was such a nice surprise and it was great to get to update one another on our lives.  My heart definitely smiled when I saw their name flash on my cellphone!

My heart also smiled when I was coaching today.  I get such a kick out of watching those kids play their hearts out.  They have such a great spirit and energy, and it just made my heart smile!