I love buying gifts. Christmas is my all time favourite holiday because I love buying gifts for everyone. I just love thinking about what will make people happy and excited. What just screams, "I need to buy this for [insert name]," but that they probably wouldn't buy for themselves? I just love it!
So today was my cousin's daughter's first birthday, and for years, even before she was born, we knew what we would give this cousin's daughter one day for her birthday. When I was born, my cousin's mother gave me a doll cradle that was made for my cousin by her grandfather. By the time I had entered the picture, my cousin was no longer playing with dolls, so it was handed down to me, and then my sister. Even after my sister stopped playing with dolls, we had to keep this cradle just in case, one day, my cousin had a baby girl.
To be able to finally wrap the cradle (more like put it in a huge bag), give it to her, and see her reaction... priceless. My heart smiled when I realized just how much this gift meant.
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